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Tuesday, Sept. 17 is National Voter Registration Day

Anews release said that When We All Vote will turn National Voter Registration Day on Sept.17 into an entire Week of Action from Sept. 16-22. Volunteers will host 100 voter registration drives across the country to get their communities registered.

Rep. Frank Wolf’s birthday party to launch reelection campaign

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Congressman Frank Wolf
Virginia's senior Congressman, Frank Wolf, will kick off his 2012 reelection campaign at a birthday party Jan. 26 at Dulles Airport..

Top 10 stories: the countdown of 2011

A great deal happened in 2011. The Observer newspapers picked the top 10. The top story had to be the 150th commemoration of the start of the Civil War. The top four will appear here from Jan. 3 to Jan. 6, 2012. All 10 appear in the print edition of the Observer.

Broad Run postal carrier brings joy

Broad Run postal carrier Laura Wojtecki marvels at the joy she gets to bring others by delivering holiday packages.

HH Women’s group gives generously

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Heritage Hunt Women's Organizations gives more than a dollar a day to help local groups. Shown here, in the front row, from left, are: Eleanor Casey-D’Andrea, Joanne Tuttle (committee chair), Margaret Gorzka, Gerri Risso; in the back row, from left, are: Teri Bisaga, Diane Wilson, Charlotte Klingman, Joan Mitchell and Mary Slevin. Photo by E. Bruce Davis

Heritage Hunt spreads holiday cheer

Heritage Hunt homeowners Golf and Country Club uses its impressive facilities to host a variety of events for the holidays. Many occasions involve meals or refreshments arranged for by the food and beverage staff of Billy Casper Golf, led by Tim O’Mara. Some are productions of chartered clubs within Heritage Hunt. All of them are full of holiday cheer.

Knight sings for locals

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Haymarket resident Angela Knight, a heralded opera singer, is putting on a Dec. 3 concert for two local community members in need. This year’s production, “Winter Wonderland,” will be performed Dec. 3 at Battlefield High School. The concert will benefit two local families, struggling with illnesses, that “need to know they are loved by the community,” she explained.

NHS keeps forest clean and clear

Nokesville Horse Society, along with other volunteers and partners, works hard to keep Conway Robinson Forest clean and paths clear of debris.

Cemetery tours offer a step into history

Manassas cemetery offers a spooky good time with tours and tales.


Bernie McConnell of Manassas (left), Carla Christiano of Woodbridge and Lisa Sievel-Otten of Manassas guide a tour of the historic Manassas City and Confederate cemeteries on Center Street.

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