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Talk on tick and mosquito prevention Sept. 18

Join Prince William Virginia Cooperative Extension tomorrow--Wednesday, Sept, 18, at 6 p.m., as the local Extension office in Manassas hosts Alyssa Marini, a PhD student at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Diagnostic & Research Laboratory, specializing in vector-borne diseases with a focus on ticks and mosquitoes in Maine.

Stirrup strives to cross the finish line

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Gainesville Supervisor John Stirrup runs a good race. He's a runner and plans to run again for office-perhaps state senate. He runs his life striving for balance. He's a husband, father, church member, farm owner, sportsman and businessman. He's served as supervisor of the Gainesville Magisterial District since he was first elected in 2003. Read the full story in the May 20, 2011 print edition of the Bull Run Observer.

PWCS and police to hold May 25 teen driver education program

Prince William police and schools are teaming up to offer a safe teen driving presentation on May 25 at Battlefield High School.

Cedar Point’s Space Week lifted off

Students at Cedar Point Elementary School
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in Bristow got a close-up view of flying machines, including a hot air balloon. Again this year, Cindy Brennan created a program designed to whet students' appetites to learn more about space programs and flight.

Glenkirk Elem. holds “Knight at the Museum”

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Glenkirk Elementary School in Gainesville, Va., hosted “Knight at the Museum” to display artwork from kindergarteners through fifth-graders. Artwork designed to honor America, such as the flag shown here, as well as creations to show celebrations in many countries around the world, adorned the walls of the school that opened its doors to the community to feature the many young artists.

PWC Police Beat 5/17/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 17, 2011.

PWC Police Beat 5/16/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 16, 2011.

Covington donates $5,000 to Parkside Middle School

Brentsville Supervisor Wally Covington donated $5,000
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to Parkside Middle School as matching funds for the school's single-event fall fundraiser. The money will go to technology upgrades at the Manassas school in Prince William County. Covington made good on his promise at the opening night of the Manassas school's "Beauty and the Beast" presentation in early May. Covington is shown here reading to school children at another area Prince William County school, Pace West, earlier this school year.

PWC Police Beat 5/13/11

Prince William County Police Department's crime report for May 13, 2011.

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