Prince William Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy has announced her bid for Governor of Virginia.
In her news release, she said, “I have a clear vision for how to move Virginia forward: one where healthcare is affordable for all. Where everyone has a good job that helps their family get ahead, instead of barely get by, and where we implement solutions to our infrastructure crisis. Where the criminal justice system is no longer broken, and all Virginians are treated with dignity no matter what they look like or who they are.
“We can’t wait for problems to be solved — the time for action is now. It’s time we listened to those who haven’t been listened to before, and it’s time for fresh leadership. I’m ready to be the leader Virginia needs.”
According to Carroll Foy, the COVID-19 pandemic “has exposed what was just beneath the surface: in the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, in one of the wealthiest states in the country, working families don’t have what they need to thrive. The status quo has left us with a deeply broken system where too many Virginians are working too hard for too little and can’t catch a break.”
“Growing up, my family faced challenges — many of the same challenges Virginians face today. Back then, I was taught by my grandmother ‘If you have it, you have to give it.’ I’m ready to give my all to Virginians — that’s why I’m running for governor.”
Carroll Foy pointed to her leadership of efforts to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment in the Virginia General Assembly, her support of the successful fight to expand Medicaid to 400,000 Virginians, and successfully leading passage of a bill to bring better broadband to rural Virginia.
She said she “has been a champion for commonsense gun safety legislation” and helped lead efforts to pass comprehensive measures that will help stem violence and keep families safe.”
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Carroll Foy noted she has led the call for comprehensive paid sick leave, an increase in unemployment benefits, stronger support for public school teachers and students, a new vote by mail system for the November election/
Carroll Foy says has been an effective leader because she works with anyone, regardless of background or party affiliation, to tackle the problems Virginians face — a skill she learned at Virginia Military Institute.
Carroll Foy grew up in Petersburg, VA and was raised by her grandmother. Over the years, she watched her hometown of Petersburg decline, families like hers get sick, and the number of good jobs decline while the opioid and gun epidemics took over.
She was one of the first women to graduate from Virginia Military Institute, a foster mom at the age of 24, a magistrate judge, and public defender.
If elected, Carroll Foy said she will be the first African-American woman to become governor in the United States.
For more about Jennifer Carroll Foy, go to
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