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Manassas councilman creates app combining access to city government and things to do

Working to better coordinate citizen access to information about upcoming events, city dining and shopping options as well as improving access to City Hall, Councilman Ian Lovejoy announces the release of the “Your Manassas” community resource app.

“I’m very excited to be able to bring this easy-to-use, common sense resource to our citizens,” Councilman Lovejoy is quoted as saying.

The app, which is currently available for download from the iPhone app store, features the ability to report concerns directly to the city, has access to the city news feed and Facebook page and also hosts a directory of commonly used numbers and city contacts.  The app also features “push notifications”—keeping citizens updated in real time regarding upcoming city events.

Reporting graffiti, potholes or other issues has never been easier with the new app as its “report a concern” feature allows users to report issues anywhere in the city directly to city staff.  Not wanting the app to focus solely on problems,

Councilman Lovejoy also included the ability to access upcoming public events as well as local dining and shopping options.

  “Having developed this app personally, I’m particularly happy to announce it operates at zero tax payer expense,” says Lovejoy “I always feel innovation trumps taxation any day.”

The “Your Manassas” app accomplishes many firsts.  It is the first such app deployed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the only one known to combine standard “city hall” functions, such as reporting concerns and staff directories etc., with a meaningful way to also stay updated on positive aspects of the community like events and dining. 

Lovejoy said other communities have already reached out seeking advice on how to design similar applications

To download the app search “Your Manassas” in the iPhone app store or visit

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