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Lions ask for book donations; drop off sites open until Dec. 15

Last year the Manassas Lioness Lions Club did a community book collection as one of the organization’s community service projects.

Club members asked people who had books at home suitable for students in grades kindergarten through a senior in high school (K-12) to drop them off at one of three sites.

In excess of 4000 books were collected, and once sorted for age groups, the collected books were distributed to students in 16 different schools to be able to take home and have to read.

Because of the 2012 book drive’s success, the MLLC has decided to do it again this year.

“Reading is so important. It has been proven that it makes all other subjects in school easier. We have many students whose families are unable to purchase extra books other than school texts. But we all remember that special book we read that helped us growing up,” says a news release from the club.

Manassas Lioness Lions Cub wants every child to have that experience. In order to make this possible, the club is asking the public from Manassas, to Manassas Park to Gainesville to go through book shelves, boxes and older children’s rooms again and find books that they could donate to this effort.

Any book in good condition that is suitable for K-12 will be accepted, except please no encyclopedias, the club asks.

There are six different drop-off sites for 2013. The drop off site are:  Manassas City Police Dept on Fairview Avenue,  Manassas Park Police Dept on Manassas Drive, Grace Methodist Church off Wellington Road, St. Thomas Methodist Church on Sudley Road, Gainesville United Methodist Church off Linton Hall Rd and Weisco Printing on Liberia Avenue.

There will be marked boxes in the lobby at each location.  The collection began Oct. 15 and will continue through Dec. 15

Club members will then go through the books and sort them and get them ready to distribute in area schools beginning in January.

For questions contact Pat by email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  or call 703-335-2607.

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