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Elementary singers prepare for All County Chorus program on Feb. 24

The annual Prince William All-County Elementary Chorus will take the stage on Saturday, Feb. 24 at Charles J. Colgan, Sr. High School. This year the chorus will perform under the direction of Marsteller Middle School Choir Director Philip Keirstead. Colgan High School is located at 13833 Dumfries Road in Manassas. 
This annual choral event will bring together approximately 175 students. Participants will benefit by working with singers and music instructors from across the county. Performance selections will include a diverse choral program. A student percussion ensemble will accompany the chorus for one of the selections. 
Students participate in rehearsals that culminate in a 3:30 p.m. performance. (Snow date is March 3.) Guests are encouraged to attend and support arts education in PWCS schools.

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