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Deter auto thieves with free VIN etching offered Oct. 17 in Manassas

Are you looking for a way to deter auto thieves? Bring your vehicles to the parking lot at Target, 9900 Sowder Village Square in Manassas (20109), on Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – for free VIN etching on all of your windows.

This event is sponsored by the Prince William County and Manassas police departments, as well as the Virginia State Police’s H.E.A.T. Program. The event is free to all motorists!

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etching is one of the most effective means to deter auto theft that is currently available. Etching is a fast, safe and simple process of having a vehicle’s VIN engraved onto its windows using a chemical solution. Once the VIN has been etched on all the windows, a car thief must strip and replace every piece of glass in order to profit off the sale of the stolen vehicle or its parts

Many thieves will not attempt this time-consuming and costly procedure, therefore deterring them from stealing VIN-etched vehicles.

For more information about this event, please contact Prince William County Police Officer Jason Alicie at 703-792-4425, or Manassas City Police Officer Adrienne Helms at 703-257-8064.

For information about the H.E.A.T. Program, visit their website at

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