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Second “Coach of the Year” honors for Maureen DiClementi of Middleburg Academy

Maureen DiClementi, Middleburg Academy’s volleyball coach, was named “Coach of the Year” for the second straight year by the Virginia Independent School Athletic Association (Division II). 

DiClementi led the Dragons to three appearances in the last three years to the State Championship game, winning in 2015 and repeating in 2016.  Colley Bell, Head of School,  noted that “Maureen would be the first to beg off such accolades – because first and foremost are the girls, her girls” DiClementi fields a small team of 11 girls, and compared to other teams, they are also small in size. 

“We often walk into gyms and referees will even give us the “walking dead stare” because we just don’t have tall girls,” shares DiClementi.  But once the points start piling up, opponent’s underestimation usually becomes overwhelming.  “You can see the same referees looking at one another and nodding approvingly, it’s fun to see,” said DiClementi.

Middleburg Athletic Director Carla Adgate also has high praises for DiClementi. “Maureen is a superior coach because she cares so much about the girls in an overarching manner.  It’s more than winning volleyball games, or even championships – for Maureen it is about each player’s development.”

The Middleburg Academy team played in 43 matches this season, making it the only school in Virginia to do so – and racking up a record of 40-3.  And while there was a lot of Volleyball, the team is also proud of its academic prowess balancing the demands of the sports and the advanced math and sciences is part of their Middleburg Academy experience.

Coach DeClementi will be the first to point out her girls for their amazing skills on the court. The VISAA committee felt the same way when handing out state awards to some of the middleburg athletes this season. Including this year’s VISAA (Division II) Player of the Year and 1st Team All-State player, Lilly Reilly 18’. 1st Team All-State players, Lilian Vargo 19’ and Chelsea Penfield 19’. Rounding out the final awards for Middleburg Academy was Senior, Alison Thomas 17’, receiving 2nd Team All-State accolades.

Middleburg Academy is an independent school serving grades 8-12, with small classes, dedicated faculty, full STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) curriculum, excellent athletics, and a remarkable record of graduates excelling at top universities. The campus in Middleburg, Va. is set on a 90-acre estate. More than 20 percent of the student body comes from abroad, and students benefit from an eight-to-one student to faculty ratio. There are 16 sports teams. For more information, visit .

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