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Virginia marks Bike to Work Week May 13-17

Governor Ralph Northam issued a proclamation encouraging commuters to bike to work during Bike to Work Week May 13-17, 2019. Bicycling just one or two days a week is a healthy, economical, and fun alternative to driving to work alone, according to a news release.

“Bicycling is an affordable commuting option for Virginians,” said Jennifer Mitchell, director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation. “The Commonwealth offers hundreds of miles of dedicated bike lanes and many cycling resources, including bike racks at most park and ride lots and on transit services throughout the state.”

Bicycling to work provides multiple advantages to employees and employers. Riders can cut costs on parking, gas, and wear on their vehicles. In addition, biking instead of driving reduces congestion and improves air quality. It is also associated with health benefits as commuters who cycle have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

In addition to Bike to Work Week, the Department of Rail and Public Transportation is also celebrating Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 17. Many cities, towns, and counties across the state will be holding Bike to Work events, including Northern Virginia, Charlottesville, Richmond, Harrisonburg, Roanoke, and Norfolk.
Visit for more information on statewide initiatives celebrating Bike to Work Week.

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