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Red Cross preps for hurricane disaster, asks people to donate blood in advance of storm

The American Red Cross is asking people to donate blood in advance of the upheaval Hurricane Sandy may dump on the eastern seaboard in the next few days. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit to make an appointment to donate blood.

The Red Cross is mobilizing disaster workers in the regions that weather experts say will be affected by the storm, and has more than 100 emergency response vehicles on alert. Supplies are ready to be moved and shelter locations are being identified across multiple states. The Red Cross is working closely with federal, state and local government officials, as well as community partners to coordinate response efforts.

Individuals and families are asked to take personal preparedness steps and download the free Red Cross Hurricane App to get ready for the storm now. According to a news release, Hurricane App provides real-time hurricane safety information, such as weather alerts and where Red Cross shelters are located. The app also features a toolkit with a flashlight, strobe light and alarm. The app can be found in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android by searching for “American Red Cross.”

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