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PWDOT piloting speed display board traffic markers on Vint Hill Road and Hillendale Road

Prince William County Department of Transportation (PWDOT) has installed speed board displays on Vint Hill Road in the Greenwich area and on Hillendale Drive in Dale City.  The is part of a pilot program, according to Steve Stevens, a transportation planning engineer for (PWDOT) .

“We have … the opportunity to install these devices throughout the county. However, before going in feet first, we want to do an analysis to make sure this is what we want.”

Speed displays give PWDOT an alternative to conventional measures, Stevens said. “Something like this will provide the motorist an opportunity to get some feedback and know to slow down.”

PWDOT staff collected speed data before the devices were installed and will evaluate how well the devices work, according to the news release. Stevens explained, “We’ve done an intensive study, so we’ve got data from before these units were installed. We’re going to do a follow-up study in the near future to see how effective they are before we make a decision of taking it on county-wide as a program.”

Stevens said traditional residential traffic calming measures, such as speed tables or all-way stops, are limited to local residential streets with a posted speed limit of 25 mph and which carry volumes between 600 and 6,000 vehicles per day.

Vint Hill Road, identified currently as a minor arterial road, has a posted speed limit of 35 mph near the Greenwich area and carries 11,000 vehicles per day. Hillendale Drive carries more than 15,000 vehicles per day and is currently identified as a major collector road.

Pole-mounted speed displays aim to get people to slow down if they’re driving too fast. The display poles, with flashing digital numbers, show people how fast they’re going and might encourage drivers to slow down to the speed limit, which is posted on the pole above the digital display.

Including installation, the solar-powered units cost approximately $5000 each, Stevens said. The installations are a combined effort of the Department of Public Works and PWDOT. The equipment meets or exceeds the requirements established by Virginia Department of Transportation and are installed under a permit on VDOT right-of-way.

Proffered funds would be used to pay for one in each of the seven magisterial districts, Stevens said. Proffers are voluntary contributions developers make to the county to offset any adverse effects their developments might have on the community.

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