The Prince William County Arts Council and the Poet Laureate Circle invite you to watch a live streaming of the Crowning Ceremony for the Prince William County Art Council’s Poet Laureate 2020-2022, to be held Satuday, October 24th at 3 p.m. at the Clearbrook Center of the Arts. 2230B Tackett’s Mill Drive, Lake Ridge, VA.
All six nominees have been invited to attend in person and to read a short original poem prior to the Award ceremony.
The nominees for the 2020-2022 Poet Laureate are:
Inger McPhail
Jesus Torres
JoAnn Lord Koff
John Dutton
Katherine M. Gotthardt
Kim B. Miller
Please share this Zoom invitation with other fans and patrons of the arts.
Saturday, October 24 at 3PM.
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<a href="">PWC Poet Laureate for 2020-2022 to be crowned on Oct. 24</a>