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Like birds go ‘round the world, so will PWCS webcast—about birds and wetlands

Students in Prince William County Public Schools, across the nation, and even in other countries around the world will be tuning in to a Webcast this Friday, March 8, for a program on wetlands and why they matter to migratory birds.

Produced on location in Panama by the PWCS Media Production Services staff, this is one of several grant–funded programs that tie the PWCS curriculum and national and state science education standards to vital issues and locations worldwide, according to Irene Cromer, supervisor of community relations.

The webcast is geared for students in grades 4-8. It airs on March 8 at 1:30 p.m. EST. For more information, go to Later this month, a Spanish-language production will also be available, Cromer said.

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