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Daylight Savings Time ends Nov. 4; set clock back

This Sunday, Nov. 4, residents are reminded to set their clocks back one hour for the end of Daylight Savings Time.  The City of Manassas Fire and Rescue Department would also like to remind residents to change the batteries in all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors when you change your clock.

The well-known slogan, Change Your Clock Change Your Battery, is 25 years old this year and still a valuable, life-saving message.  A properly installed and maintained smoke alarm is the only thing in your home that can alert you and your family to a fire 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Residents should install smoke alarms on every level of the home, both inside and outside of sleeping areas and in the basement.  Be sure to test the smoke alarm at least once a month, emergency officials say.

Since January 2009, the City of Manassas Fire and Rescue Department has given away more than 2,500 smoke alarms to City residents in an effort to ensure that all homes have working smoke alarms.  To request a free smoke alarm or a replacement battery, contact the City of Manassas Fire and Rescue Department at 703-257-8458 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

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