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City of Manassas crews work ahead of storm to keep residents safe

With Hurricane Sandy approaching the east coast, the City of Manassas is preparing to keep city residents safe.  The City of Manassas Public Works and Utilities crews have been cleaning out storm sewers in preparation of the hurricane. Public Works crews are also monitoring the level of Lake Manassas to prevent downstream flooding.  City officials are expecting few power outages due to the fact that 80 percent of Manassas power lines are underground, according to Patty Prince, public information officer. Should residents have a power outage, call 703-257-8353.

The Manassas City Police Department has canceled all training activities for Monday and Tuesday to allow for more officers on the street to assist residents. Fire & Rescue Department Emergency Management staff will be monitoring the storm throughout the weekend. Fire & Rescue personnel will be checking equipment and preparing for extended operations.  Prince William County Department of Fire & Rescue will have swift water rescue response boats and equipment staffed and available to assist Manassas emergency workers and the region should they be needed, Prince said.

Manassas officials offer residents suggestions for preparing for Hurricane Sandy:

• Stock emergency supply kits (including extra batteries, etc.). Don’t wait until the last minute to shop for supplies.

• Stay Informed:  Have a NOAA Weather Radio at home and at your worksite. Like a smoke alarm, NOAA Weather Radios sound when there is an emergency in your area. You can also sign up for weather alerts and emergency messages by visiting

• Keep up to date with local conditions – follow TV and radio reports from your area, or visit

( on your phone) for the latest forecast.

• Make a family emergency plan at


• Be sure friends and family know how to contact you in an emergency. Teach family members how to use text messaging, because text messages can often get through when a phone call won’t.

• Clean out your gutters and storm drains to improve the flow of rain waters, and reduce possible flooding and ponding situations.

• Avoid walking or driving through any flooded areas – it takes only six inches of fast-moving flood water to knock over an adult, and two feet to move a vehicle. Remember: Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Hurricanes bring heavy rains, storm surges, and possible flooding.

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