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Women veterans in area to be recognized at June 13 breakfast at IHOP in Gainesville

The 76th anniversary of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act will be observed in Gainesville on Thursday, June 13 in recognition of the June 12, 1948 signing of the Act into law by President Harry S. Truman.

Dulce Isalguez Parker, a Gainesville resident, who served in the US Air Force from 1969-1975, is working to help local women veterans celebrate Women Veterans Recognition Day on June 13.

“Our American Legion Post 1799, in Haymarket wants to honor and recognize our Post’s women veteran members and also the members of the Women Veterans Network (WoVeN) Northern Virginia (Gainesville) Group, during our breakfast meeting on Thursday, June 13th at 9:30 a.m. at the IHOP in Gainesville,” Parker said

“I’m trying to get as many women veterans in this area to come to the breakfast so they can be recognized for their service. We have a couple of ladies who were in the military really a long time ago, [in the] Viet Nam era and Iraq era.” All are welcome to attend the breakfast, said Parker, who is an American Legion Post 1799 member and Peer Leader of the Women Veterans Network (WoVeN} Northern Virginia (Gainesville) Group

Parker said US Dept. of Labor 2020 data shows there are nearly 2 million living women veterans in the US, and that women currently make up approximately 10 percent of the overall veteran population.

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