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SPCA calls March 3 town meeting on “critical” need for new PWC animal shelter

Prince William SPCA invites the community to come out for a special town hall meeting to discuss the Prince William County Animal Shelter on Tuesday, March 3 at 7 PM in Chinn Library’s Community Room.

According to county documents, the shelter is well beyond its useful life and is deteriorating rapidly.

A new shelter has been on the county’s “Unmet Critical Needs” list since ‘12 and was included in the ‘14 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), but removed when other projects took precedence.

“Prince William County Animal Shelter has reached a critical point where it can no longer adequately serve the…animals in its care.  The antiquated, 38-year-old facility has insufficient space for the intake numbers and has a failing ventilation system,” according to a news release from Prince William SPCA.

“The county has never built an animal shelter. The current facility was built and donated by a nonprofit in 1977,” reports Melissa Korzuch, president of the Prince William SPCA. 

Korzuch was quoted as saying in the release, “The animals need the full community’s support to make sure this issue is addressed and funding is allocated for a new facility.  A new shelter will cost $12 million but the source of that funding has not been determined.  We would like to inform the community about this so we can work together to come up with a solution.  We may need to rely on a private, municipal and nonprofit collaboration and the more people educated on this issue, the more successful we will be at getting the shelter built.”

For 10 years, its volunteers have worked with the shelter staff on projects aimed at increasing adoptions of shelter pets

The Prince William SPCA is an independent nonprofit organization established in 2004 to benefit the animals of the greater Prince William County, Virginia, area.

More information on the Shelter Improvement Plan, visit:

Donations are tax-deductible and may be mailed to: PWSPCA, PO Box 6631, Woodbridge, VA 22195.

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