Assault and Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer [LEO] – On May 11 at 2:50AM, Prince William County police officers responded to the Linden Park Apartments located in the 18100 block of Kilmer Ln. in Triangle (22172) to investigate a 911 hang-up call, according to MPO Renee Carr, police department representative.
Responding officers located two men engaged in a verbal altercation and determined that a physical altercation had occurred. The parties were separated and, while officers attempted to speak to one of the men, later identified as the accused, he pushed an officer. As officers attempted to detain the accused, he actively resisted by kicking and throwing his body towards the officers, Carr reported.
During the encounter, the accused was able to get loose from the officers and flee. After a short foot chase, the accused was apprehended. The accused continued to actively resist and refused to follow officer’s commands. After a brief struggle, the accused was escorted to a marked police cruiser without further incident, the police report said.
The accused was treated at the scene for minor injuries. Following the investigation, the accused, identified as Olusegun Samuel OLUWAMADEWA, was arrested.
Arrested on May 11:
Olusegun Samuel OLUWAMADEWA, 23, of 18142 Kilmer Ln. in Triangle
Charged with assault & battery of a LEO and obstruction of justice
Court Date: July 17, 2020 | Bond: Held WITHOUT Bond
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