Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative is prepared for snow, ice or sleet that could start falling on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10.
“Accumulating snow or ice could result in trees falling on power lines and causing power outages,” said Dan Swingle, vice president of NOVEC system operations.
“Our crews, utility trucks, and our 24-hour operations center are ready to respond to any outages.”
Swingle warns customers to not go anywhere near a fallen power line.
“If you see a line that’s down, assume it’s energized and keep others far away. Report it to NOVEC immediately at 703-335-0500 or 1-888-335-0500.”
Prepare Now for Possible Power Outages
• Customers should provide NOVEC with up to two current phone numbers to expedite outage reporting and power restoration. They can register numbers by logging into their accounts or by calling 703-335-0500 or 1-888-335-0500.
• Charge cellphones; cordless phones do not work when power is out.
• Develop a plan for elderly or disabled family members.
• Have an emergency kit with nonperishable food, water, flashlights with fresh batteries, battery-operated radio, lanterns, canned fuel, matches or a switch-utility lighter, manual can opener, and first aid. If applicable, have enough prescription drugs, pet food, and baby-care items.
• Stock up on firewood for a wood-burning fireplace or stove. Cover wood with a tarp or stack some in a carport or garage to keep it dry.
• Fill the freezer with ice and have a cooler ready for refrigerated foods.
What to Do If Power Goes Out
Customers may report outages by:
• Calling NOVEC at 703-335-0500 or 1-888-335-0500 to report their outages through the interactive voice response system.
• Logging into their NOVEC accounts at and reporting their outages.
• Sending text messages using the keyword NOVECOUT to 85700.
All three options will report their outages to NOVEC’s outage management system in the 24/7 operations center.
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