Wildfires and the danger they can cause to people and property are a real worry in the spring in Virginia. As a result, residents are banned from starting fires before 4 p.m. from now until April 30. Ninety-five percent of wildfires in the state are caused by humans, according to the Department of Forestry.
Starting a fire before 4 p.m. during spring fire season is not only dangerous, it’s a Class 3 misdemeanor crime. It can also be very costly. In addition to a fine of up to $500, the person responsible for an escaping fire is financially liable for the cost of suppressing the fire and for damage caused to another’s property.
Governor Bob McDonnell was quoted in a news release as saying, “The best thing people can do is to obey the law by not burning trash or debris before 4 p.m. each day during spring fire season. Virginia’s 4 p.m. law has been in place for almost 70 years and is one of the best tools we have for reducing the threat of wildfires. Because humidity levels typically increase and wind speeds usually decrease after 4 p.m., the likelihood of a fire escaping is reduced.”
The threat of wildfires is increased this year due to Virginia’s mild winter, according to the governor. “Wildfires in the Commonwealth are very weather-dependent,” he said. “When you combine the effects of the 2011 tornadoes and Hurricane Irene with the relatively mild and dry winter we’re experiencing, it adds up to a potentially dangerous spring wildfire season. That’s a life safety issue which could affect thousands of Virginians.
There were 1114 wildfires in Virginia in 2011, according to State Forester of Virginia Carl Garrison. More than 40 percent were caused by people burning trash or debris. These fires threatened the lives of thousands of Virginians and more than 4,000 homes and structures in 2011,” Garrison said.
The Department of Forestry offers these additional fire safety tips:
• Even if it’s after 4 p.m., don’t burn if the wind speed is in excess of 20 miles per hour and humidity levels are below 30 percent
• Burn in small piles rather than one big pile
• Before igniting your fire, clear the area around the pile down to bare dirt
• Don’t add to the fire after midnight
• Keep a fully charged hose and a shovel on hand to extinguish any spot fires that ignite away from the burn pile
• Dial 9-1-1 as soon as a fire escapes your control
There are nearly 16 million acres of forestland in the state and more than 144,000 Virginians employed in forestry, forest products and related industries, according to the Department of Forestry.
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