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Grand opening of Warrior Challenge Course at Locust Shade Park in PWC

Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism will host a Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the new Warrior Challenge Course, at Locust Shade Park, 4701 Locust Shade Drive, Triangle, VA., 22172, on Wednesday, July 21, at 2 pm.

This ninja warrior-style outdoor obstacle course is located 1.5 miles from Marine Corp Base Quantico. “The Warrior Challenge Course and related park improvements provides an opportunity to enhance the health and wellness of the Marine Corps families who frequent Locust Shade Park,” said Seth Hendler-Voss, Director of Prince William County Parks, Recreation & Tourism, “ the project removed existing barriers to accessibility at the park and complements MCBQ’s portfolio of high-quality recreation resources with a collection of unique fitness amenities that are presently not offered for Marine families.”

The project was made possible through a grant from the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP), in partnership with The Honorable Andrea O. Bailey, Prince William County Board of Supervisors - Potomac District, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, according to a county news release.

According to Amir Wenrich, public information officer for the Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, funding of $250,000 came from proffer funds earmarked for Parks and Recreation and $250,000 came from a Department of Defense grant that the county applied for. The U.S. Department of Defense has a grant program to help communities around bases, Wenrich said. No funding for the obstacle course came from a bond referendum.

The Warrior Challenge Course, along with its set of accessibility improvements to the park, received enthusiastic endorsement from Colonel W.C. Bentley III (USMC,Ret.), former Commander, Marine Corps Base – Quantico.

The Warrior Challenge Course replaced three of the six existing tennis courts at Locust Shade Park. Play equipment for children ages 2-5 has been incorporated into the Warrior Challenge Course plan to allow parents to co-recreate with their children. There is accessible parking as well as a series of handicap ramps to connect the new Warrior Challenge Course to the existing tennis courts, pavilion, and playground.

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