On Friday, January 21, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Catholic Diocese of Arlington, will join Christendom College in leading the annual March for Life down Constitution Avenue towards the U.S. Supreme Court. As in past years, parishioners from most of the Diocese’s 70 parishes will also take to the streets in Washington on behalf of the right to life. The March is the world’s largest pro-life event, held peacefully each year since the 1974, following the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion. The theme of this year’s event is “Equality Begins in the Womb.”
“The annual March for Life is a powerful witness to essential truths that unite us: all of life is sacred and, thus, the life of the unborn child must be protected from the horror of abortion and life at every stage must be revered, cherished and treasured. As followers of Christ, we march peacefully each year in our nation’s capital to give witness to these truths to a nation in which many in public office and others throughout our communities continue to reject them. Yet we will never despair nor tire of proclaiming the Gospel of Life, with firm belief in the power of God to transform hearts,” said Bishop Burbidge. “At the same time, Jesus taught that there is no sin greater than his love and mercy—he seeks to heal his people! We also stand ready, through many pastoral ministries, to assist parents who choose life and need support and care. May the Lord continue to bless the witness, sacrifices and goodness of all those who are at the service of life!”
The Mass for the Gift of Human Life will be celebrated by Bishop Burbidge on Friday, January 21, at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, located at 3901 Cathedral Ln, Arlington, Va. 22203.
The March for Life Pre-Rally Concert takes place on the National Mall from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. immediately followed by the March. For information on logistics, events and COVID-19 mitigation guidelines, visit marchforlife.org.
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